I have a quilt studio. I love it and many of my friends do as well. One of the ladies in my church had a stroke. A friend suggested to several other friends in our Sunday School class that we make the lady a quilt. So, we pulled a couple layer cakes from my stash and used the Disappearing Hourglass pattern from Missouri Quilt Company.
Disclaimer: When I am quilting, I don't dress up (understatement). I dress very comfortably. Make up and hair styling do not exist.
My cutting table is awesome. Connie and Sandra liked it as well...
We put blocks on the quilt wall and then moved them around. Carole, Shirley and I each took turns flipping blocks. Although, you have to watch Shirley and step stools. Remember to close the doors behind the design walls! (Note to self: don't let Sandra take pictures of my backside.)
Sandra shows our thoughts on the final layout. We all loved the color block design.
Don't look too close because some of the pieces were rotated. When we got them on the wall, it was evident. Blocks have been taken apart and restitched. The flimsy is together and the borders are sewn on. It will go on the frame this morning.
The best part of the whole experience is the memory we have as friends. There was a lot of laughter, some scary moments and lots of good food. This is what the studio was intended to be.